Saturday, March 1, 2025


The Book of Revelation begins by saying that it is a “revelation of Jesus Christ.” The word “revelation” is the Greek word apokalupsis and means it is an unveiling, or revealing of Jesus Christ. (From the Greek words “apo”, a taking away; and “kalypsis”, a cover---an uncovering, or exposing). Readers are, therefore, to learn truths about the Lord Jesus since this is a revealing of truth, not a concealing. It is also communicating that these are truths that come from Jesus Christ.


In the four gospels, there is an abundance of truth about Jesus. So, what might the Book of Revelation be revealing about Him? In the gospels, the focus is on His first coming with an emphasis on His humanity, humility, suffering and sacrifice. He is the Lamb who came to be “pierced through for our transgressions” and be “crushed for our iniquities” (Isa. 53:5).  In contrast, Revelation is about His second coming in power and glory. In John 5:22, Jesus declared, “For not even the Father judges anyone, but He has given all judgment to the Son.” Revelation reveals detailed information about Jesus as the judge of all. What is hinted at in the prophets of the Old Testament and the gospels is detailed in Revelation. When Jesus receives the scroll from the One on the throne (Rev. 5:1-7), He then executes judgments on the earth. These many judgments have a two-fold purpose: (1) to awaken people to reality and their need for a savior, and (2) to judge wicked men and nations. His powerful, unprecedented judgments will bring people to the place where they no longer hold on to their atheism or agnosticism. Their religions will be seen as fraudulent and their philosophies as empty. In the Tribulation, millions will choose to believe in Jesus (Rev. 7:9-14) and reject following the Antichrist and Satan. After the Tribulation is underway, people will finally come to realize that these judgments are not bad karma or a terrible set of circumstances, but that they are the “wrath of the Lamb” (Rev. 6:16-17). National Israel will come to faith in Jesus during that terrible period, and then in turn be a light to the gentiles. Many will be saved. In fact, there will be millions who are saved. But the judgments from Judge Jesus will also harden the devoted followers of Antichrist and Satan and they will be eternally lost. Even though they know the judgments are from Jesus Christ, they curse Him and refuse to repent (Rev. 16:9, 11, 21). Revelation, therefore, unveils Jesus as the judge of all and His judgments are unlike any ever seen before.

Linked to Jesus’ role as judge is the unveiling of truth about His role as the warrior-Messiah. The imagery shifts from Jesus being “the Lamb” to that of being a great warrior. In 19:11, He is identified as One who is “Faithful and True” (19:11) in that He will fulfill all of the messianic prophecies. In many places, the Old Testament does see Messiah as the conqueror (e.g. Zech. 9:10; 14:14). And Revelation 14 and 19 add graphic details to His conquering. He will come mounted on a white horse (symbolic of victory) and He comes militarily as the King who is a warrior. He will totally crush His enemies. The slaughter will be real and it will be complete. Using hyperbole (hypothetic exaggeration), it is declared that the shed blood of His enemies will reach the “horses’ bridles” (Rev. 14:20). The Antichrist and the False Prophet are King Jesus’ great foes and they will be seized by Him and dispatched to the Lake of Fire (Rev. 19:19-20). Although it is said that Jesus has “His army” with Him (Rev. 19:19), it is the warrior-King who will unilaterally destroy the enemies. When the warrior-King is finished with His enemies, they will be totally vanquished and He will then begin His marvelous thousand-year reign on the earth. It is important to observe that the Apostle John speaks of Jesus Messiah smiting the nations and using the “rod of iron” as being in the future. The use of the future tense speaks against the views of Amillennialism and Postmillennialism which have Jesus beginning His reign at His first coming. These verses clearly place the battles of the warrior-King as something still in the future at His second coming.


Towards the end of the Book of Revelation (19:12-16), some names are attributed to Jesus. In the Old Testament, God revealed many things about His attributes and actions through the names He gave Himself. For example, He is ADONAI which communicates He is the Master, having absolute authority. He is EL SHADDAI, the Almighty One. He is YAHWEH which reveals Him to be the active, self-existent One. The names given to Jesus in the Book of Revelation do reveal truths about Him. In Revelation 19:12-16, three names are given.

  • 19:12 --- “He had a name written which no one knows except Himself.”  At first, this might seem to be of little value. However, it communicates a great deal. First, it is a reminder to all that He is incomprehensible to us. Much has been revealed to us, but there is so much more that we do not know about Him. Matthew 11:27 records some word of Jesus: “…no one knows the Son except the Father, nor does anyone know the Father except the Son…” This unknown name surely says something about Him being the Eternal Son/the Anointed One and with it the power and glory that accompanies Him. The context in Revelation 19 is one of power, authority, and righteous judgment. We are not told if we will ever learn what this name is, but it tells us there is much about Him that we do not know.

  • 19:13 --- “His name is called the Word of God.”  This immediately brings John 1 to mind where Jesus is identified as “the Word”. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, in order that full restoration and reconciliation could take place. As Genesis 3:15 declared, mankind brought the problem of sin into the world and mankind would be the solution to the sin problem. The man Jesus would bring about this restoration. Also, Jesus communicates truth about God as no one else does. Hebrews 1:1-3, the Son is the pinnacle of God’s revelation. He is truth (John 14:6). And, therefore, it is appropriate that this title is given to Him as He comes to fulfill all that was spoken about Him and about doing what the Lord God declared that He would do. At this time, Genesis 3:15, the covenants and the promises will be fulfilled. 

  • 19:16--- “He has a name written, King of kings and Lord of lords.” This title was given earlier in the book, though in reverse order (17:14). The use of this phrase, instead of just “king”, is emphasizing the supremacy of the rule of Jesus. It underscores His absolute authority over all who are kings. It is a reminder of Daniel 2:44 which declared that when man’s kingdoms are destroyed, then God’s forever kingdom will be inaugurated and never again will a created being rule unilaterally. It is a reminder of Psalm 2:1-4 where the Anointed One will destroy the rebellious kings of the earth and establish His kingdom on this present earth. King Jesus is supreme over all who are kings and all who rule.


This unveiling of Jesus as judge and warrior-king, is given to assure us that the rebellion and aggressive sinfulness of mankind will not escape the retribution of God. Daily we see the flagrant immoralities, deceit, and a blatant disregard for God’s righteous standards. We wonder if this is going to go on unchecked. It will not. People unfortunately confuse God’s patience with a lack of seriousness about sin. The book of Revelation is quite clear on that point. When Moses asked to see God up there on Mt. Sinai, God did accommodate Moses. And in that great self-revelation, God was clear that He was very patient with men (Exo. 34:6-7). He told Moses that He is slow to anger and that His love was consistently extended to man. But He also indicated that if man would not respond to His loving kindness and grace, He would step in and judge them. God has indeed been amazingly patient with us sinners. However, the Book of Revelation shows that those who will not respond to His grace and come to Him will receive the full outpouring of His wrath in the coming period of Tribulation. Those who will not accept God’s gracious offer of salvation through Christ will drink of the full, potent wrath of the Lamb. Judgment will be without mercy.

David makes a lot of sense in Psalm 2, when after speaking of the coming of God’s “fury” and “anger”, he encourages kings and people to come and worship the Son and avoid the terrible consequences of His anger (Psa. 2:10-12). His wrath could come at any moment, according to the Scriptures, and how wise it is to be a follower of the Lion-Lamb of Judah and not experience the wrath of the Lamb. And surely, one of the reasons we believers are left here is to help such come to know Jesus who gives life eternal to all who believe.

Saturday, February 1, 2025


Once upon a time our culture was thoroughly dominated by scientific materialism, a by-product of the evolutionary faith. Those who believed in supernaturalism were viewed as much too religious or even a bit unbalanced mentally. So, whether you were a devoted Christian who believed that Jesus of Nazareth worked many miracles and that He rose from the dead, or one who advocated for space aliens and UFOs, you were not in the mainstream of cultural thinking. But that thinking has experienced something of a transformation. Today, in the movies, on television, or on the internet, things supernatural and paranormal are on center stage. People are entertained with countless stories about those who possess amazing supernatural powers, whether they be heroes or villains. Believing in space aliens is no longer embraced by a “lunatic fringe” but is very mainstream, as even those in government express their belief in the existence of such beings. And “documentaries” are produced on supernatural/paranormal subjects. Zombies, vampires, monsters with extraordinary powers, and invading aliens are commonplace in movies and on television. It appears that minds are being re-programmed, so that the supernaturalism of the coming Tribulation period will be readily embraced. There is, in fact, much supernaturalism in the Tribulation.

Supernaturalism and the Antichrist. There is coming a very capable man (Antichrist), who will be given extraordinary power by Satan at the start of the Tribulation period. His ability to work miracles will both impress and deceive mankind. These supernatural works are not magic tricks but genuine miracles. 2 Thessalonians 2:9 speaks of the Antichrist “whose coming is in accord with the activity of Satan, with all power and signs and false wonders, and with all the deceptiveness of wickedness…”  The three emphasized words show that Antichrist will be involved in many kinds of power displays. These miracles are designed to validate his claims (“signs”) of messiahship and deity. People will be amazed (“wonders”) and though the miracles are real enough, they lead to that which is false (“false wonders”). (It is worth noting that these same three words are used concerning the miracles of Christ.) 2 Thessalonians 2 tells us that his miracle working will not be an isolated event or two, but will be that which is part of all that he says and does. Perhaps the greatest demonstration of supernatural power is when the Antichrist is assassinated and then returns to life. Three times the Apostle John speaks of his demise and uses terms like “the wound of the sword” and “fatal wound” (Rev. 13:3, 12, 14). He returns to life (likely not a resurrection) which, according to Revelation 13:3-4, causes the whole world to worship him. The Lord apparently allows this event to take place, and this event is probably part of “the lie” that people, at that time, will believe (2 Thess. 2:9-12).

Supernaturalism and the False Prophet. Less known is the False Prophet. He is not mentioned in the O.T. and the first time he is mentioned in the Scriptures is in the last book of the Bible (Rev. 13:11; 19:20; 20:10). He will be the right-hand man of the Antichrist but will be a worker of miracles. Revelation 13:13-14 states, “And he performs great signs so that he even makes fire come down out of heaven to the earth in the presence of men. And he deceives those who dwell on the earth because of the signs which it was given him to perform…” Pretty impressive. He gets his ability to work miracles from the Antichrist, who gets that ability from Satan.  The False Prophet is the key individual in leading the world in worship of the Antichrist. Surrounding that false religion will be a constant flow of miraculous signs; signs which are intended to prove that the Antichrist is the savior of the world.  

Supernaturalism and Many Agents of Satan. Supernaturalism is not confined to just the Antichrist and the False Prophet. Jesus stated that there will be many in Satan’s camp that will have the ability to operate in the realm of the supernatural. He said in Matthew 24:24: “For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect.” There are three points to observe. First, Jesus uses the plural; that is, He says there will be multiple false Christs and false prophets who will be doing miraculous deeds. No number is given, but it seems that there will be a significantly large number of such. Second, the miracles will be “great” which reveals that they will be amazing power displays, and not some slight of hand. And third, these miracles will be deceptive. People will be fooled by them. Perhaps one of these false prophets will feed an assembly hall with 5,000 people using just three or four hotdogs, while another will delight a crowd by turning water into wine. Jesus observed that even God’s people could be fooled by these miraculous moments. Apparently, the Holy Spirit will keep that from happening. These miracles will resemble the miracles Jesus worked. 

The Second Coming of Jesus Christ: a Supernatural Event. The Tribulation will end on a supernatural note with the powerful, glorious, supernatural coming of the King. 

“For just as the lightning comes from the east and flashes even to the west, so shall the coming of the Son of Man be…immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from the sky and the powers of the heavens will be shaken, and then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory” (Matt. 24:27-30). 

This supernatural moment will far surpass what Satan and his forces could produce. At that moment, there will be no doubts where real power in the universe resides. It resides with the Lord Jesus Christ, King of kings and Lord of lords. And at that time, all the nations of the earth will acknowledge His lordship (Psalm 2:8-9).

Some Concluding Thoughts

The Scriptures reveal an abundance of supernatural events during the Tribulation, showing that it is a unique period. In the past, there have been supernatural events, as in the days of Moses and Elijah and in the days of Christ and the Apostles. But there is nothing like this Tribulation time and it is a period unlike anything we have seen or experienced. We cannot interpret those coming days in light of today’s events and activities; the explosion of the supernatural makes it quite different from today.

In several ways, it does seem that the stage is being set for the coming drama of the Tribulation. And one of those pieces on the stage, that prepares the world for this unprecedented time, could well be the new openness and fascination with all things paranormal and supernatural. Today, people generally do not mock supernatural things but are quite open to them. This change in the mindset of people would appear to make acceptance of the supernatural in the Tribulation come easier.

Meanwhile, Psalm 2:11-12 admonishes all who live on this earth to be rightly related to the glorious, powerful King. “Worship the Lord with reverence, and rejoice with trembling. Do homage to the Son lest He become angry and you perish in the way. For His wrath may soon be kindled. How blessed are those who take refuge in Him.” The wrath of the Lamb truly is imminent, but we, who by faith belong to Him, will never experience His wrath. But others without Him, do face coming wrath. Jude once said, “save others, snatching them out of the fire….” (Jude 23). We have work to do.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025


Satan has a major problem. Perhaps it keeps him awake at night! The problem is that Satan does not

know when the Lord is going to commence end time events. These events will end the Devil’s

domination of planet earth, and apparently, the Lord is not going to give him any forewarning when the

time comes. This means that Satan must always have certain things in place, including a man groomed

and ready to immediately step into the role of “antichrist.” There is, therefore, a man right now, alive in

the western world, that will fulfill every detail about this dominant end time figure. As a reminder, here

are some basic biblical facts about this man and his career.

  • The Name “Antichrist.” There are several descriptive names found in the Scriptures for this man such as the “lawless one” (2 Thess. 2) and the “beast” (Rev. 13). But it is the term “antichrist” that is most often used today to refer to this man. As the Apostle John discussed the real dangers of false teaching, he described false teachers as “antichrists” (1 John 2:18; 3:3). But he also spoke of “the” antichrist that would be coming (1 John 2:18). The Abbot-Smith Greek Lexicon notes that the word “anti” carries two basic ideas. One is that it means “against” or “in opposition” to something or someone. We speak of someone who is anti-establishment, or anti-war, meaning they are against those things. The second meaning of “anti” is that of “in place of” or a substitute. Both those meanings fit this future end time figure. He is against our Lord Jesus Christ, and he will also present himself as a substitute Christ. This second point indicates that he will disguise himself as being good and righteous, just like his mentor the Devil, who appears as an “angel of light” (2 Cor. 11:14). 

  • The Emergence of the Antichrist. While there is a man who is now alive on earth, and who is potentially the antichrist, he is not yet identified as such. So, how will people know him as “antichrist”? Daniel 7:8, 19-26 reveals that this man (called the “little horn”) will come out of the territory of the old Roman empire. Therefore, many today do not qualify as the antichrist, such as Vladimir Putin (Russia), Xi Jinping (China), Kim Jong Un (North Korea), and a variety of dictators and ayatollahs. It would seem most likely that where Roman (western) culture prevails, as in Europe, that this would be the place to look. Also, Daniel 9:27 informs us that the event which reveals him to be the antichrist is a covenant that he makes with the leaders of Israel. That moment in time identifies him as the Antichrist and it also starts the Tribulation. This covenant agreement between Israel and this man strongly suggests that, at that time, he will be the leader of a nation that is militarily powerful, since he is affording Israel support and protection. That would probably eliminate nations like Luxemburg. 

  • The Career of the Antichrist. There are four distinct periods to this man’s life. First, he is the leader (president, prime minister, king, etc.) of a powerful nation. It is in that capacity that he makes the treaty with the leaders of Israel. Second, during the first half of the Tribulation period he is seen as a man of war. He “deprives of sovereignty” three nations, which point to military dominance. These would be nations which were found in the old Roman Empire. Then seven others, from the Empire, will acquiesce to his leadership forming a union of nations. (Dan. 7:19-26; Rev. 17:12-17). So, during the first half of the Tribulation he heads an eleven-nation union (10 nations plus his own nation which is not one of the ten). The third phase of his career will be in the second half of the Tribulation where he becomes the ruler of the entire world (Rev. 13:3-5; 2 Thess. 2:4). Globalism is finally achieved by the Evil One. The text of Revelation specifically states that this phase lasts for 42 months. In league with Satan, he will be worshipped by multitudes in this world. No doubt they see him as the Anointed One (Christ). The fourth and final phase of his career begins when he is captured alive by the Lord Jesus at Armageddon and cast into the Lake of Fire (Rev. 19:19-20). From that point on, he eternally resides in the Lake of Fire.

  • The Successes of the Antichrist. His powers and his abilities are truly amazing. He is unlike anyone else. The Apostle John reveals that his various powers and abilities come directly from Satan (Rev. 13:4). For example, he will have unusual oratorical skills which enable him to sway millions to believe in him and follow him (Rev. 13:5-6). He has insights and powers which enable him to be victorious in the wars he conducts (Rev. 13:4, 7; Dan. 11:41-44), which includes successfully targeting the followers of Jesus (Rev. 13:7; Dan. 7:21). He will understand economics and will effectively control the world’s finances (Rev. 13:16-18). He is a powerful personality and his skill set will include the mastering of political maneuvering. Because he gets his powers from Satan, he will be absolutely unique.

  • Supernaturalism and the Antichrist. The Apostle Paul notes that this one will work amazing miracles; miracles that are both powerful and deceptive, and these will be used to validate his claims and deceive those living in the Tribulation (2 Thess. 2:9). Jesus made the same basic points in His prophetic discourse (Matt. 24:24), observing that even the elect might be deceived by the power and deceptiveness of the miracles, if it were not for God’s protection. These works of supernaturalism are not magic tricks but are genuine suspensions of natural law, just like those done by the Lord Jesus when He was on earth. Perhaps the greatest demonstration of supernatural power will be seen when the Antichrist is assassinated but then returns to life. Three times John speaks of his demise by means of the “sword” and then his return to life (Rev. 13:3, 12, 14). His is a “fatal” blow and his return to life causes the world to worship him (Rev. 13:3-4). It is not that he is just badly wounded. It is “fatal.” It should be noted that he is apparently not “resurrected;” that is, not given a resurrection body. He simply returns to life; something that the Lord apparently allows. This is likely a key to “the lie” that multitudes of people at that time will believe concerning this man (2 Thess. 2:9-12).

Therefore, at this moment, somewhere on this planet, there is a man “ready to go” as the Antichrist.

  • Taking Away Truth for Today.

  1. The potential antichrist is alive and is in a position of political power (or could quickly come to power). He already belongs to the Evil One, even though presently he would not be identified as such but probably appears quite virtuous.

  2. We will not know who he is because we believers will not be here on earth when he signs the treaty with the leaders of Israel. Church age believers will have been raptured. But that covenant signing is what reveals him as the Antichrist.

  3. The reality that such a person is presently “ready to go” is another reminder that the coming of our Lord Jesus to take us home really is imminent. It is another “prop” in place on the stage. We simply await the raising of the curtain. 

  4. 2025 could be the year. With all that is going on in our world, and with the way that events and alignments can so quickly change and emerge, we need to wisely follow Paul’s example and keep one eye on the heavens as we live our lives (Phil. 3:14-21). Our redemption really is closer now than when 2024 began. 2025 might be the year when faith becomes sight. Even so, come Lord Jesus.

Sunday, December 1, 2024



Bright and colorful lights and Christmas just go together. Around our house, we love the white lights, the LED lights, and the colored lights; ones that blink and ones that don’t. And it is nice to see houses decorated with hundreds (and often thousands) of lights. People who do enjoy them will drive around at night to view these beautiful settings. They not only make for a compelling display that is pleasing to the eye, but they also chase away the darkness, and we prefer light over darkness. There is a strong theology in the matter of light and darkness.

Light and the nature of God. According to 1 John 1:5, the basic nature of God is that He is “light.”  There is no darkness of any kind in Him, meaning that God is completely free from any and every moral defect. This is often communicated in the Scriptures when He appears surrounded by brilliant light/glory. John’s important point is that if a believer wants to live in fellowship with the Light, then he/she must not allow even a smidgen of darkness to enter and remain in life. And even with the few snapshots that we have of heaven and the eternal kingdom, we see light/glory and brilliant colors with even the New Jerusalem reflecting the glory of God (Rev. 21:11). Light, not darkness, characterizes our world to come. 

Light and the nature of Jesus.  Light is connected with Christ’s appearances and this should not come as a surprise to us. The Apostle John began his gospel with the declaration that Jesus was the “light” that entered this spiritually dark world (John 1:4-9). Jesus Himself would later state that He was the “light of the world” (John 8:12). Jesus made this statement after He had forgiven a woman who was in very real moral/spiritual darkness. That woman (to use the words of the Apostle Paul in Colossians 1:13) had been delivered out of the domain of darkness and entered a glorious relationship with Jesus Christ. And so, it is with those who have received eternal life and the forgiveness of sins. All such have exited the realm of spiritual darkness and now are joyful in Christ’s kingdom of light. 

Light and Jesus’ First Coming. Brilliant light was part of the first coming of Jesus Christ into this world, and it will be on display at His second coming. When Jesus was born in Bethlehem, Luke 2:9 informs us that an angel appeared to some shepherds out in the fields and that “the glory of the Lord shone around them.” The darkness of that night quickly retreated and was brilliantly removed by the illuminating glory of God. The Light of the World had come, and it was appropriate for brilliant light to dominate that field in Bethlehem.

  About a year later, the “star” appeared to wisemen who were directed to go and find the new King. This brilliant light was a sign to them of the birth of the Jewish king, and it appeared to them in the east. It did not guide them across the fertile crescent (as our Christmas cards declare) but, much to their joy, it reappeared to them outside of Jerusalem and led them the five miles south to a house in Bethlehem where Joseph and Mary now lived. (Matt. 2:2, 7-11). Although there have been some attempts to see the “star” as an alignment of certain existing planets or stars, it can be shone that the “star” was most likely not some existing heavenly body but was a dramatic declaration that God had come into the world.  It was quite supernatural. I would concur with Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum when he said, 

“By this star coming in the form of light, what we actually have is the appearance of the Shechinah Glory ... The Shechinah Glory is the visible manifestation of God’s presence. Whenever God became visible in the Old Testament, this is referred to as the Shechinah Glory. In most cases, the Shechinah Glory came in the form of a light, fire, cloud or some combination of these three things. Over in Babylonia a light appeared, a brilliance, a radiance that may have looked like a star from a distance and yet had actions and did things which no star can do or does do. What these Wise Men actually saw was the Shechinah Glory. When they saw this…unusual brilliance, they deduced from it that it was a signal that the King of the Jews, the Messiah, had been born.”  (Messianic Christology, pp. 143-144)

Just as the Shechinah Glory guided Israel through their 40 years of wilderness wandering (Exo. 40:34-38), so it appeared and then reappeared to the wisemen.

Light and Jesus’ Second Coming. And light is associated with Jesus’ return. In Matthew 24:29-30, Jesus declared that when He returns it will be when the moon’s light is gone, and the sun has become darkened. Into that unnerving gloom on earth at the end of the Tribulation, the glory of Christ will shine. At that moment, there will appear the “sign of the son of Man,” which once again is probably the Shekinah glory of God (Matt. 24:29-30). Jesus will come in “glory” and will sit on His throne, which is a “glorious throne” (Matt. 25:31). In His earthly ministry, Jesus allowed three of His disciples to have a preview of this marvelous light of His kingdom glory on the Mt. of Transfiguration. “And He was transfigured before them; and His face shone like the sun, and His garments became as white as light” (Matt. 17:2). They saw Him as He will appear in His coming earthly kingdom. This is what Peter, James and John experienced on the Mt. of Transfiguration (Matt. 17:2-5). To his dying day, Peter never forgot what He saw that day on the mountain, and he tells us about it in 2 Peter 1:16-19. Note Peter’s choice of words as he described Jesus as He will appear during that 1,000-year reign on this earth (“glory”, “Majestic glory”, “a lamp shining in a dark place”, “day dawns”, “morning star”). It is not the carpenter from Nazareth that returns but the King of Glory.

Biblical truth and Christmas lights. There is some disagreement where the idea of lights at Christmas came from. Some point to the candles of Hanukkah, while others trace it back to Christmas celebrations in Europe or even to pagan rituals. It probably makes no real difference since beauty and light is present and darkness is gone. And maybe, just maybe, as we hang up our Christmas lights, we will remind ourselves of the nature of our Savior; that He is light. He is Light, and at His coming light will be manifested. Light has theological significance. And it is not at all out of line for us to infuse biblical truth into our current celebrations. The lights of Christmas are a reminder to many of us of great truth about our Lord and Savior.

May your Christmas be filled with light, both physical and spiritual.

Friday, November 1, 2024


The arrival of future events depends on just one thing---the character of the God who planned those future events. Prophesied future events will not come to pass because of who wins a war, or who wins an election, or who has the most money and political power. Mankind and demonic forces do not determine the arrival of ordained events or persons, and cannot even change the arrival times by one or two minutes either way. Prophetic fulfillment rests on who God is. Many key prophecies have not yet taken place, but they will certainly come to pass because fulfillment depends on God’s character.

The Character of the God of Prophecy.  God is SOVEREIGN, meaning that He is the supreme power in this universe, and that there is no individual or group that is greater than the Lord God. As the sovereign of the universe, the Lord may choose to allow certain things to take place, but His declared prophetic purposes cannot be thwarted by His creation. Those prophetic events will indeed take place. God is TRUTH, meaning that His revelations about Himself and man’s future are totally accurate and can be relied on. He can be trusted. He does not lie or deceive. He is OMNISCIENT, meaning that He knows everything, which includes things that are as well as all other possibilities. God does not learn new things so that He is forced to adjust previously given prophetic statements. God is OMNIPOTENT, meaning that as the Almighty there is nothing too hard for Him. He has all the power needed to bring prophetic events to pass. It is important to remember that the fulfillment of prophetic events is never a question about the power to do them, but usually the timing of those events. God is IMMUTABLE, meaning that God never changes. Over time the Lord does not mature nor does He decline. God’s statements about coming events will not change. God is HOLY, meaning that He is free from any taint of evil or uncleanness. So, all coming events, including His judgments, are free from anything evil. God is LOVE, meaning that He only does what is best. His goal is to bring all mankind back into fellowship with Himself and allow them to enjoy “Eden.” In His future kingdom believers will thoroughly enjoy His presence and His blessings. Jesus said that God loves to give good gifts to His children, and that He will do.

So, with a God like this, should we doubt that He can and will do what He says He will do? Is there a place for thinking that Satan and his minions, as well as his human collaborators, can somehow thwart or even delay God’s plans? (1 Chron. 22:8)

The Coming Prophesied Ruler---Genesis 48.  Around 1850 BC, Jacob, and his family of 70, moved to Egypt and joined Joseph. Just before he died, Jacob gave prophecies that concerned each of his twelve sons. In Genesis 48:8-12, Jacob prophesied of the dominance and rulership of Judah. And while there are some interpretive challenges here, the prophecy speaks of the kingship in Judah which will find its final fulfillment in the person of Messiah. The “scepter” will not depart from Judah. It is from the tribe of Judah that the Messiah will come. The final fulfillment has not yet taken place.

The Covenant Made with David---2 Samuel 7 and 1 Chronicles 17.  King David had a strong desire to build an incredibly lavish temple for the Lord God. He had, no doubt, seen many gorgeous pagan temples when he had defeated nation after nation. But the Lord Jehovah, maker of heaven and earth, was dwelling in a temporary tent-like shelter. That should never be!  Although the Lord loved this heart desire of David, He would not allow David to build a sacred temple for Him because David was a man of war and had a lot of blood on his hands (1 Chron. 22:8). Instead, God said I will build your house (meaning David’s ruling dynasty), and with that God entered a covenant relationship with David. This “Davidic Covenant” was/is both everlasting and unconditional (that is, it depended on God alone for final fulfillment). Psalm 89 makes this point with great clarity. The covenant had five parts to it: (1) David would become famous; (2) David would have rest from his enemies; (3) David’s house (that is, his family line) would last forever; (4) David’s throne (that is, his ruling authority) would be forever; and (5) David’s kingdom would not ever pass away permanently but would continue forever. 

The Three Unfulfilled Parts of the Davidic Covenant.  What is so important about all of this is the fact that the last three provisions of this covenant have not been fulfilled. They were not fulfilled in the Old Testament and they were not fulfilled at Christ’s first coming (though they could have been). They were not fulfilled in the Old Testament as is evidenced in the angel Gabriel’s statement to the virgin Mary. He said, “you will conceive in your womb, and bear a son, and you shall call Him Jesus. He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David; and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever; and His kingdom will have no end.” (Luke 1:31-33). Gabriel’s statement makes no sense if Solomon or someone else in the O.T. fulfilled it.

The Davidic Covenant was not fulfilled when Jesus came the first time. John the Baptist announced the long-awaited kingdom of Messiah, and Jesus validated His messianic claims time and again. However, the proud, unbelieving generation of Jews refused to accept Jesus as their messiah. Was that the end of the covenant? Absolutely not. The covenant was everlasting and will exist as long the universe exists. Psalm 89:36-37 declares: “His (David’s) descendants shall endure forever and his throne as the sun before Me. It shall be established forever like the moon, and the witness in the sky is faithful.” Since the universe still exists, the Davidic Covenant is still in force. Jesus, the eternal Person, is the guarantee that David’s line cannot ever be cut off. Also, the covenant is unconditional, meaning that there are no conditions that David or his descendants must fulfill. It is God alone who will fulfill it. Psalm 89:30-32 saw that those who came after David would prove unfaithful and God would have to deal with their unfaithfulness and unbelief. Then Psalm 89 powerfully declares God’s word about what He will not do. 

“But I will not break off My lovingkindness from him, nor deal falsely in My faithfulness. My covenant I will not violate, nor will I alter the utterance of My lips. Once I have sworn by My holiness, I will not lie to David. His descendants shall endure forever, and his throne as the sun before Me.”

Because God did not lie to David, the Davidic Covenant awaits fulfillment. And that fulfillment will take place when Jesus returns at His 2nd Coming and rules the world, which includes all the nations of the world (Psalm 2:8). In looking at the last three parts of the Davidic Covenant, it is seen that David’s “house” (his family line) will indeed last forever, since the covenant has been given to Jesus who will live forever (note again Gabriel’s statement to Mary). The fourth part of the Davidic Covenant is that David’s throne (his ruling authority) will be forever. Ruling authority now belongs to Jesus, but He has not yet exercised that authority. There are theologians today who teach that Jesus is presently ruling. But that simply does not line up with the reality of life in this world, which remains under the domination of the Evil One (2 Cor. 4:4; 1 John 5:19). The Scriptures inform us that when Messiah reigns, it will be a rule with “the rod of iron,” meaning that there will be zero tolerance for overt sin and rebellion (Psalm 2:9). This rod speaks of dominant ruling authority, and extends not simply to Israel but to all the nations of the world (Rev. 12:5; 19:15). Jesus not only rules from Jerusalem over a united Israel, but will rule all the gentile nations in this world. Today, are the nations of the world under Jesus’ authority? There is no way that one can really believe that Jesus Messiah is presently ruling the nations. This can only come about by ignoring normal interpretation and engaging in wholesale spiritualization. If Jesus is presently ruling then the many details given in the OT about Messiah’s kingdom, simply make no sense. Trying to line up the many O.T. prophecies with present reality are simply impossible. Both O.T. and N.T. writers declared that the reign of Messiah would be characterized by righteousness, peace among men, great universal joy, harmony in nature (the removal of the curse), universal prosperity, the universal worship of the Lord Jehovah, the complete absence of Satan and his forces of evil, a full knowledge of the Lord and the removal of disease and deformity (Isa. 9:3-4; 11:4-9; 35:5-6; 61:1-9; Jer. 23:5-6; Joel 2:28-32; Rom. 8:19-23; Rev. 20:1-10). These realities are simply not seen in our world today! Yet, scripture says these will characterize Jesus’ rule.  

The fifth part of the Davidic Covenant declares that David’s kingdom will have no end to it. Long ago, Daniel stated that after the kingdoms of mankind are terminated by the coming of the Messiah that “the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which will never be destroyed…it will endure forever.” (Dan. 2:44). The point being that once the Lord’s reign begins at the 2nd Coming, never again will any created being rule. The Apostle Paul adds some details to this when he teaches that after Jesus’ rule (the 1,000-year kingdom on earth), He will turn ruling authority over to the Godhead which ushers in the eternal phase of God’s kingdom on a new earth (1 Cor. 15:23-26; Rev. 21:1-5).

Our response to this unfulfilled covenant with David?  

        First, these truths give us clarity and perspective on the world that we presently live in. What we see in our world is not what will be in the future. All the “mighty” men and great nations will come to an end. Knowing and believing the truth about the magnificence of the coming reign of King Jesus helps us with our priorities here and now. 

Second, fear and anxiety ought not take root in our lives. We are citizens of the coming kingdom, along with being citizens of America. Of the two, one is temporal and fading and the other is eternal and glorious. And while we have some responsibilities in the temporal, our ultimate loyalty is to Jesus, David’s great son. 

Third, because of the character of the Lord God, what He declares is coming will indeed come. Our best days are not now, but are ahead of us when we see King Jesus in all His royal splendor. And that is going to really be something! Maybe soon?