Monday, July 1, 2024


It has been over a decade since Mal Couch went home to be with Jesus. Some of you knew him well, while others perhaps did not have the privilege. Mal was one of those believers that helped alert us to the invasion of false teachers into the church. He was rightly concerned with the issue of distorted doctrines coming into the church and into Christian higher education. We were both concerned as we observed doctrinal erosion taking place and God’s truth being sacrificed on the altars of bad exegesis, experiential religion and unbiblical tolerance.  

And we both believed Paul’s warnings. The Apostle’s warnings given centuries ago are certainly materializing in today’s church.

“For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.” (2 Tim. 4:3-4, ESV) 

“…the Spirit explicitly says that in the later times, some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons.” (1 Tim. 4:1)

False doctrines have not gone away and new ones are being added. Therefore, it is important for believers to periodically look at the theological landscape. The flood of false teachings that we all saw a decade ago has turned into a tsunami and is destroying churches and damaging many of God’s people. Unhealthy doctrine eventually produces unhealthy spiritual living. And we are seeing this again and again in the lives of believers. But it is unfortunate that today, in the present church culture, it is seen as unloving or judgmental to call out false teaching and those who promote it. But the Apostle Paul did that very thing and named names (e.g. 1Tim. 1:3-6, 18-20; 2 Tim. 1:15; 2:16-18). In fact, Timothy was told that “in pointing out these things to the brethren, you will be a good servant of Jesus Christ” (1 Tim. 4:6). Peter tells us that everything we need for living a life that is pleasing to Christ is found in God’s Word (2 Pet. 1:3-4). So, beware when false teachings come in that are “needed” to bolster the Christian life, or when previously unheard of “spiritual secrets” are being taught. Satan is the puppet-master behind all such things and he has a dazzling display of falsehood. Each of us is capable of being deceived by the great counterfeiter, Satan. There is such a variety of false teachings that the Deceiver has many options in snaring believers. He is on the prowl, looking for prey (1 Pet. 5:8-9). But, as Peter notes, he is foiled by God’s truth. There are a multitude of false teachings but we can only deal with a few of them.

  • The “deconstruction of Christianity'' movement. This movement encourages Christians to dismantle their beliefs in Christianity. In our culture today, reality is what I believe to be true. There really is no outside standard for truth. This has seeped into the church. At the very core of the deconstruction movement is the rejection of the authority of Scripture. (This was discussed in my “Mid-Month Musings” May, 2024 which can be found on my website:

  • The Enneagram. There are many fine believers who use and believe that they have been helped by the Enneagram. Some see it as a kind of personality test that will help them on the path of life. There are nine personality possibilities (each has a number). Find your number and it becomes a kind of map for your life, giving greater clarity and even help being a better Christian. (Note there is nothing scientific behind the enneagram). But the Enneagram is not as innocent as it might seem but, in reality, it is a New Age Trojan horse that has entered the church. Bad theology never does not produce good living, and heretical beliefs are found in key individuals within this movement.

ITS HISTORY. It is not ancient as it often claims (“ancient” wisdom is seen as something desirable). It actually began in the early 1900s, not to identify personalities, but as a mystical way to understand the universe. It was in the 1970s that Claudio Naranjo developed Enneagram's 9 personality types. He states that he got these through automatic writing (an occult phenomenon where demonic beings transmit information). It came to some Jesuits in Chicago in the late 1970s (not approved by the Roman Catholic Church). The key promoter of the Enneagram is Richard Rohr, a Catholic priest. Rohr’s influence has been very widespread. His theology is terrible. He believes that God is in all things; believes in universalism; denies Christ’s substitutionary death; denies hell and future punishment, and many non-Christian beliefs. He has had a great influence on numerous Christian Enneagram teachers. Some notable Christian enneagram teachers are Beth McCord, Elizabeth Bennet and Ian Cron (who was mentored by Richard Rohr).

The Enneagram is spiritually dangerous. (1) It puts the focus of life on self and takes it off of Christ. (2) It begins to take over the role of the Holy Spirit, especially in the matter of diagnosing sin in life and giving guidance to our lives. (3) It is built on the bad theology that there is your “false self” (the outward you which is your response to bad influences) and the “true self” (the real inner you with your divine essence and no original sin). Some Christians say this idea is just the Bible’s old nature and the new nature, which it is not. A careful study of the Scriptures on the matter will confirm this.

It is easy to be deceived when elements of truth are present. The Apostle Peter teaches that false teachers do this regularly. They “secretly introduce” error. The word means that truth is brought in alongside of error (2 Pet.2:1). This is an old ploy of the devil. We hear the segments of truth and believe that all is truth.

There are many more important details about the Enneagram, and it is recommended that you tap into an excellent resource; that of Marcia Montenegro, an ex-new age astrologer, and now follower of Christ. She knows this subject well and explains why the enneagram seems “to work” for many people. An abundance of material can be found at:  

  • The Contemplative prayer movement. This movement which has entered many churches makes the claim that if you want to be a “world-class” Christian or if you want to achieve a deeper level of spirituality, then the experience of contemplative prayer can fulfill these desires. To do this, the individual is instructed to choose a one syllable word (like “Jesus”) or a short phrase (like “you are my God”) and silently repeat it for a period of time (maybe 20 minutes). This helps get rid of all thoughts, allowing one to enter the “void”, the “profound mystical silence”. It is in this condition that God can now work in the believer’s heart and bring one into a new, deeper relationship with God. Those who approve and support contemplative prayer include “emergent church” leaders Brian McLaren and Rob Bell; Roman Catholics such as Thomas Merton, Henri Nouwen and the “desert fathers”; and notable leaders, such as Max Lucado, Rick Warren and Richard Foster.

Psalm 46:10 does tell us to be still and know God. Meditation. But meditation requires deep thinking about who God is, not mindlessly entering into some profound mystical silence. Meditation is a scriptural truth and is encouraged, but it is not at all the same thing as “contemplative prayer.” When we meditate, we are to be thinking about the Lord God and scriptural principles. The mind focused on the Word of God plays a critical role in spiritual transformation (Rom. 12:2; Eph. 4:20-24; 2 Tim. 3:14-17; 2 Pet. 1:2-4. The contemplative prayer idea has made its way into evangelical churches coming through Roman Catholic mysticism; which got it from religions like Buddhism. At its core, entering into mystical silence really is an occult practice coming from New Age thinking. And people can have “experiences”, but these are not biblical ones. 

  • The Prosperity Gospel. The idea of this false teaching is that God’s desire is for everyone to be healthy, to be financially well off and to prosper in all ways. This speaks powerfully to the desires and wants of people. The believer is told that to enjoy these blessings, one must have faith. There is great appeal for many to think that God is just waiting for a person to “step out in faith” and claim what He is so wanting to give them. In fact, according to many in this theology, God is really obligated to respond to the claims/demands of people. In this theology, God becomes the servant of man and is really like a genie in the bottle, just waiting to pop out and deliver a lot of good things. This “gospel” is heresy. 

Some of this aberrant theology is ripped out of the Mosaic Covenant, where God had a special commitment to Israel, that if they would obey Him, then He would prosper them in many ways. These specific promises related to the land of Israel and the people of Israel, and not to prosperity thinking. Also, this theology regularly misuses Bible verses, such as Luke 6:38 and Mark 10:30 where the subject is not money but spiritual matters such as mercy and blessings in heaven. Some of this theology is simply a baptized version of the power of positive thinking. These teachers prey upon needy people and end up making their lives miserable. Many of these preachers are millionaires because they have persuaded people to give to them so that God can give much to their followers. This prosperity gospel is taught by Joel Osteen, TD Jakes, Steven Furtick, Jesse Duplantis, Kenneth Copeland, Benny Hinn, Joyce Meyer, and many others. This damaging doctrine has brought disappointment and confusion to many.

A Concluding Thought. The New Testament writers prophesied that the last days of the church would find error flooding into the church. With so many distorted doctrines, how can a person get a handle on all of them? The key to identifying counterfeits is to be very familiar with that which is authentic. Becoming familiar with healthy doctrine enables one to be alerted to false doctrine. This is yet another reason for each of us to be people of the Book. The Scriptures, not experiences, must be the foundation for all that we believe.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

THE VIEW FROM THE MOUNT OF OLIVES – Study #5 (Jesus’ Great Prophetic Sermon)

    Prophetic truth which focuses on the future is intended to impact our lives in the present. This is evidenced in teachings throughout Scripture, and is seen in the parables of Jesus as He concluded the Olivet Discourse.

     Jesus answered the questions of His disciples about the coming Tribulation and His Second Coming. Then He gave six parables which encouraged His followers to live wisely with these prophetic truths in mind. The entire discourse is directed to the people of Israel. The word “you,” found throughout the discourse refers to Israel, as represented by one group or another within Israel, covering a large expanse of time. 

  1. The Parable of the Ten Virgins – 25:1-13

This parable focuses on the Jews in the Tribulation period, right before Jesus comes and sets up His kingdom. The context establishes this (24:3, 8, 14-15, 27, 30-33, 42, 44, 47, 51). The Church of Jesus Christ is not on the earth at this time, having been raptured out before the Tribulation began. The “then” found in the first verse (25:1) connects this parable with the judgment which takes place at the Second Coming, given in the preceding parable.

  • The parable reflects the Jewish wedding customs of the time. As part of the custom, the bridegroom would go to the home of the bride to get her to bring her to his home where they and their guests would enjoy days of celebration. Usually at night, this procession would form and the invited guests would join in the torchlight event. This forms the background for this parable.

  • It seems most consistent with the context to see the 10 virgins as representing the people of Israel who were waiting for the Messiah to come. As the Tribulation proceeds along, Israel will be expecting their Messiah to come, as they witness the many signs of the Tribulation period. But as it was when Jesus came the first time, many will not be spiritually prepared. Jesus said that 5 of the virgins were “prudent” and 5 were foolish. The word “foolish” is moros from which we get our word “moron,” reveals that they were amazingly stupid in that they knew Messiah (the bridegroom) was near but did not prepare. The wisdom, or foolishness, of the virgins was seen in their preparedness. The 5 wise took oil for their lamps (after all, it was at night), but the foolish did not prepare and took no oil at all. 

  • It was quite late when the bridegroom appeared (close to midnight) and seemed to catch the girls off-guard. The wise, however, had their oil and got their lamps burning, but the foolish had no oil and remained in the dark. The foolish asked the wise for some oil but were turned down. This might seem callous and uncaring, but the point here is that one cannot prepare for someone else. Preparedness is an individual matter. Jesus does not say what the oil might represent, but most commentators note that oil is frequently symbolic of the Holy Spirit. And that fits the story well, as the foolish virgins are seen as unregenerate.

  • The 5 wise girls entered the wedding feast, but the foolish girls arrived late only to be denied entrance to the banquet. They were told that the Lord “did not know them,” which simply means that they had no personal relationship with Him. The wedding feast pictures the wonderful messianic kingdom which will be enjoyed by God’s redeemed people. The Olivet Discourse was given late Tuesday afternoon of the “passion week.” Earlier in that same day, Jesus had used the wedding feast as an illustration of His coming kingdom (Matt. 22:2). In that parable, He focused on the invited guest’s (Israel) rejection of the invitation to come to the wedding banquet. These parables show that there will come a time when no preparations can be made. There are cut-off times for entrance into the Kingdom of Messiah.    

  1. The Parable of the Master and His Three Servants – 25:14-30

This parable begins using the word “for” (25:14), which ties it to the preceding parable of the 10 virgins, and specifically to 25:13 where Jesus said: “be on the alert then, for you do not know the day or the hour.”

  • The 10 virgin’s parable says nothing about what the girls did during the time when the bridegroom was delayed. This parable, however, communicates the great need to be serving during the time of delay. Here there are three servants of a wealthy man who is going away for an extended period. He knows that his servants have different capacities, and so, he gives them different amounts to work with while he is away. One servant gets 5 talents, another gets 2 talents, and a third servant gets but 1 talent. A talent, whether silver or gold, was a significant amount of money, representing tens of thousands of dollars. The slaves represent Jews in the Tribulation, not believers in this church age, though there is clearly application for those of us in this church age.

  • It is said that “after a long time” the master returns to settle accounts with these three servants. There does seem to be a veiled suggestion that Jesus may be away for quite some time before He returns. Perhaps, the delay of the bridegroom is also a veiled reference to an extended period. In any case, it really has been a long time since Jesus came the first time.

  • When He returns, the servants will give an accounting for what they have done while He was away. Both the servant with the 5 talents and the servant with the 2 talents were diligent and faithful. Both doubled their talents and both received  identical rewards. They received (1) praise from the master for their hard work; (2) they were given greater privileges and responsibility---in the Master’s kingdom; and (3) they were invited to begin the experience of great joy in the days ahead. Joy is very clearly the dominant atmosphere of the kingdom of King Jesus (Heb. 1:9; 12:2; Isa. 35:10; 51:11; 61:7). These two servants would now experience a new and wonderful relationship with their master, and a unique level of joy.

  • The great issue in this parable is the third servant who received just 1 talent and buried it. His fate is to be cast into outer darkness where there will be terrible suffering. The third servant is not a believer. (Note Matthew’s use of these descriptions of suffering. 8:12; 13:42, 50; 22:13; 24:51; 25:30). It must be remembered that all Israelites were part of the Abrahamic Covenant. All Jews were descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and were in the Covenant. But being in the Covenant did not mean you were a believer who possessed eternal life. This was Jesus’ point to Nicodemus (John 3).  This third servant, and the second servant (in parable #3) were Jews who were in the Covenant but were unbelievers. They would be like the Jews at Jesus’ first coming who were unbelievers. 

  1. The Parable of the Sheep and the Goats – 25:31-46 --- In this final parable, Jesus goes beyond the disciples’ questions and tells them what will happen on earth immediately after His return.

  • The statement that Jesus makes in 25:31 is of great importance since it unmistakably states when He will begin His messianic rule. He declares that when He comes in glory “then” He will sit on His throne. Ruling takes place when He comes in power and glory (Matt. 24:27, 30; 26:63-64; Dan. 7:13-14). He did not come in glory at His first coming, but that is what characterizes His Second Coming. Both amillennialism and postmillennialism have Jesus’ messianic rule beginning at His first coming. This verse is a powerful rebuttal to that position.

  • It is in connection with His occupying His glorious throne that the nations of the earth will appear before Him. The word “nations” never is used to refer to resurrected individuals and, therefore, looking at gentiles who are alive at the end of the Tribulation. (This judgment is not to be confused with the Great White Throne judgment of Revelation 20.) This judgment will determine who among the gentiles will enter the kingdom of Jesus and who will be sentenced to eternal punishment. 

  • There are three groups mentioned in connection with this judgment: (1) the sheep, (2) the goats, and (3) “my brethren”. The sheep are believers who are welcomed into the kingdom, and the goats are unbelievers who will go away into eternal fire (25:41), which is the Lake of Fire (Rev. 14:11; 19:10; 20:4). Though there are several interpretations for “my brethren,” it is best in context to see these as the faithful Jewish remnant who worship and serve Messiah in the Tribulation period. The proof that the sheep are believers is the way they have cared for this godly Jewish remnant in the worst of times for them (Rev. 12:13-17). In the Second World war there were many righteous gentiles, like the Ten Boom family, who risked their lives to protect and care for Jewish people. This will be like that only much more intense. On the other hand, the goats revealed their true spiritual condition by their callous dealings with the people of Messiah Jesus.

  • The sheep (gentile believers) have an inheritance in the messianic kingdom (Isa. 56:3-8; Ezek. 47:22-23). Gentile salvation has always been part of God’s plan. God chose Abraham to be the one through whom Messiah would come. Gentiles would experience the “blessing of Abraham” (Gal. 3:14; Gen. 12:3; 18:18; 22:18; 28:14). And here Jesus declares that all this was “prepared for you from the foundation of the world (25:34). Gentiles are part of Jesus’ inheritance (Psa. 2:8).

  • On the first day of Jesus’ kingdom, only believers will inhabit the kingdom. This will include O.T. saints, church age saints, and Tribulation saints. What a day that will be. Even so, come Lord Jesus.

These great prophetic truths, which remind us that our best days are ahead of us, are to impact the way we live right now. Be prepared and be serving.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

THE VIEW FROM THE MOUNT OF OLIVES – Study #4 (Jesus’ Great Prophetic Sermon)

Prophetic truth has been given by God to impact us right now. Knowing it and believing it will affect the way we do life; the priorities we have and the decisions we make. It is not a surprise, therefore, that the majority of Jesus’ “Olivet Discourse” focuses on the application of prophetic truth. He gives six parables which are designed to inform us on how we are to respond to this truth.

Before looking at these six parables, there is one interpretive principle that is very important to remember when approaching the “Olivet Discourse,” and that is the constant use of the word “YOU.” Jesus used the word “you” many times in Matthew 23-25. Who was He talking about? The “you” refers to Israel, the people that God was in a covenant relationship with. Gentiles and the Church are not part of this sermon. (Note the February, 2024 Scofield article).  In each case, “you” is speaking of Israel, as represented by different groups in Israel, over centuries of time. In this sermon, “you” never refers to gentiles or to the church. The disciples had asked questions related to Israel’s future and Jesus’ answer was about Israel’s future.

Jesus’ Six Parables That Apply Prophetic Truth

  1. The Parable of the Fig Tree – 24:32-42 --- The first parable draws on a truth from agriculture that all are familiar with. A tree which sprouts new leaves and blossoms is signaling that summer is coming soon. And likewise, when the events and signs of the coming Tribulation are seen (as given in 24:3-31), they are signaling the Second Coming of Jesus. There are several key points in this parable.

  • The “you” (24:33) refers to Israel seeing the signs and events in the Tribulation. And “this generation” (24:34) in Israel that sees the first signs given by Jesus, will see all of them (“all these things”). This indicates that the signs will take place over a relatively short period of time. The “this generation” is not talking about the generation of the Apostle John’s day but rather a future generation in Israel. Preterism (which says that most of the Olivet Discourse was fulfilled in AD 70) leans on this verse to prove their position. They say that John wrote the Book of Revelation around AD 65 and “this generation” was the one living at that time. However, the “you” of verse 33 defines the “this generation”. And furthermore, “all these things” (such as the “abomination of desolation”) never took place in AD 70, with the result that Preterism must engage in wild speculations to try and establish their position. A future generation in Israel is the one that sees “all these things.”

  • Delay in these events can cause doubting. That is why Jesus states that His words are true and will be fulfilled (24:35-36). When Jesus gave this sermon, the exact day of the Second Coming was known only to the Father. (The now resurrected Christ knows it as well.) Though there might be delay, the Tribulation and His return will certainly come.

  • The illustration of the days of Noah. The days of Noah were uniquely evil days (Gen. 6:5, 11), but that is not what Jesus emphasizes here. He points out that in Noah’s day mankind was carrying on life with no thought of God’s coming judgment that had been announced by Noah the preacher of righteousness (2 Pet. 2:5). They were “eating,” “drinking,” and “marrying” when the judgment of the Flood came. The people of Noah’s day were caught off-guard by the Flood. But why? For decades they had been told that God’s judgment was coming but they had become dull of hearing and no longer took it that seriously. And that is the danger Jesus warns His followers about. Do not become indifferent to His truth. Believers who have heard prophetic truth time and again, can become desensitized and invertedly let prophetic truth evaporate from their thinking. Keep yourself ready for the Lord’s return (24:42). Again, Jesus is speaking about His Second Coming, but it is applicable to waiting for the Rapture.

  • Jesus said that at the time of His Second Coming, there will be two men in the field and two women grinding at the mill; and that one will be taken and one left. This sounds like the Rapture, but it is not. The context is that of judgment at the Second Coming. While at the Rapture event, one wants to be taken and not left behind, not so here. The one who is left behind is left to go into the kingdom of Messiah, and the one taken is taken away in judgment, just like the people of Noah’s day who were taken away in the great Flood. So, it is imperative that people avoid the coming judgment and find safety with Jesus.  

  1. The Parable of the Homeowner – 24:43-44--- Jesus’ point is quite clear. If the homeowner knew that a thief was going to try and rob him, and if he knew the time of that attempt, he would prepare for it. God’s people might not know the exact hour of His coming, but the general setting can be known. Jesus just revealed that information in the Olivet Discourse. His point is that you will have enough information to not be caught off-guard by His coming, so make sure you are prepared. We need to keep in mind that Jesus is not talking about the Rapture of the church, but about His Second Coming to earth. But the point of being prepared and ready for His coming at the Rapture is applicable.

  2. The Parable of the Two Servants – 24:45-51--- This parable emphasizes the need for servants to work diligently while the master is away, as there will be a time of reward when He returns. The parable focuses on two servants who have responsibilities committed to them. Neither knows when the master will be returning. The first servant faithfully, wisely labors for the master and will be greatly rewarded at the master’s return. The Bible clearly teaches that rewarding is connected with the Lord’s return (Rev. 22:12). For church age believers, their time of evaluation is at the Rapture.  O.T. saints and Tribulation saints are rewarded at the Second Coming (Matt. 16:27). In the parable, the second slave assumed the master would not return for quite a while, and without the restraining influence of the master’s return, he behaved badly. As a result, he will be dealt with harshly, being put in a place of great suffering. There is a similar fate that the third servant in the fifth parable experiences. The meaning of these unfaithful servants being put in a place of “outer darkness” where there is “weeping and gnashing of teeth” will be discussed in the fifth parable. But Jesus’ point here is that people will be held accountable at His return and will be dealt with in reward or discipline.


The Lord Jesus seems to have had concerns about the disciples’ response to His prophetic message. At the beginning of His message, He had warned them about the real possibility of being deceived by those with false teaching and false claims. And it will take wise, diligent living to not get caught in their traps. In contrast, the prophetic truth given by the Lord was to generate certain positive responses. Here are several of them.

  1. We are to be actively watching for His coming. The danger for believers is that we become so absorbed in “living” in the here and now, that His coming is not seen as imminent and relevant. This was true of the people of Noah’s day. They were so completely absorbed in the pursuits of life that they paid no attention to the solemn warnings given by Noah. The Flood totally surprised them. To counter this, we ought to periodically read good books and Scripture passages on biblical prophecy. This will help keep fresh the truth of His coming for us at the Rapture. And it will help us be discerning when it comes to the claims and teachings of some prophetic teachers.

  2. We are to be actively preparing for His coming. From the parables of the homeowner and the two servants, Jesus’ point is clear…be prepared for His return. First, this means that we are personally prepared, having a personal relationship with King Jesus and that it is a healthy relationship. If we are unsure about our salvation, then we need to become sure of it by simply putting our trust for salvation in the God-man Jesus who paid for all our sins on the cross and rose victorious over sin and death (John 3:16; 5:24). And then, we need to keep on confessing sin (1 John 1:9) to have a healthy relationship with Him. And second, we actively prepare for His coming by working daily for Him. The wise servant sought ways to serve and honor his master. And as long as we have breath, we are to do the same. We ought to daily be asking for the guidance of the Holy Spirit, that He would lead us to opportunities to serve the Savior. We have natural and spiritual gifts; resources of various kinds and we have people in our sphere of life that we can bless. Remember that God does not call us to retirement nor does He require that we be famous. We are simply to be faithful to Him, and live in obedience to Him.

  3. We are to be actively trusting His promises. In this discourse, Jesus uttered that familiar statement, namely that “heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away” (24:35). He said He will return and He said that all these things are going to take place exactly as He said. In our current spiritual climate, too many pastors and churches are diminishing the Word of God, leading people to doubt the authority and inerrancy of the Bible. The Devil has always used this tactic since the Garden of Eden, casting doubt on that which God has said. We are to remind ourselves, and one another, that what Jesus has said will come to pass, to the very last detail. He shall return in power and glory.

                (NOTE: The final three parables connected with the Olivet Discourse will be studied in next months Scofield study)

Monday, April 1, 2024

THE VIEW FROM THE MOUNT OF OLIVES – Study #3 (Jesus’ Great Prophetic Sermon)


Jesus let His disciples know that the first half of the coming period of Tribulation would hit the world hard, but Israel would not be affected like others would be. He said, “you (Israel) will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars, see that you are not frightened, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end” (Matt. 24:6). It is probable that the treaty Israel signed with the Antichrist (Dan. 9:27), which starts the 7 years of the Tribulation, will afford Israel a measure of protection from these events. However, Jesus went on to say: “then they will deliver you (Israel) to tribulation” (24:9). This dramatic change will take place because of the events at the middle of the Tribulation, highlighted by the “abomination of desolation” (24:15). Half-way into the Tribulation, it becomes a very different world for the people of Israel.    

     Jesus then focused on the second half of the Tribulation and on His coming in power and glory, which will bring the Tribulation to an end. He had briefly mentioned the second half in His message, but now He would give it greater detail.                                                   

  • More on the Second Half of the Tribulation Matthew 24:16-24

  • The Worst of the “Birth Pains”.  The last 3½ years of the Tribulation are far worse for Israel, but also for the entire world. The outpouring of God’s wrath, combined with the persecution of God’s people by Satan and his forces, make this a time of death unlike any in human history. Jesus said that “unless those days had been cut short, no life would have been saved” (Matt. 24:22). Jesus was not saying that God will suddenly realize how terrible this time is and decide to shorten them from the 3½ years to some lesser amount of time. Rather He is stating that the omniscient God limited these most horrible of days to 3½ years instead of the entire seven years, or some longer period such as 14 years (two “weeks” of Daniel’s “Seventy Weeks”). The Apostle John would later reveal in the Book of Revelation that perhaps as many as 80% will perish in the Tribulation period. If the 80% figure is correct, that would mean that some 6 billion human beings will die during this 7-year period. This is, for sure, the worst of times.

  • Powerful Supernatural Displays from God and Satan. One of the unique aspects of this 7-year period is the immense display of the supernatural. This will not be “business as usual” on planet earth. God’s servants will be authenticated through signs and miracles, but Satan’s servants will be able to do amazing supernatural wonders as well. Jesus observed that “false Christs and false prophets will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect” (24:24). He was pointing out two basic facts about their miracle working: (1) they will be “great” miracles, not some slight-of-hand tricks like pulling rabbits out of hats, and (2) they will be deceptive, even having the potential of fooling God’s own people. It is probable that these miracles worked by Satan’s followers will resemble the miracles worked by Jesus, as recorded in the gospels. Would it not be amazing to be in a large stadium and have the Antichrist take a hotdog and glass of Pepsi and satisfy the hunger of some 75,000 people?  The Apostle Paul agrees that the Antichrist will be a miracle worker. He noted that the Antichrist is “the one whose coming is in accord with the activity of Satan, with all power and signs and false wonders and with all the deception of wickedness” (2 Thes. 2:9-10). And John reveals that the Evil One will be the source of the Antichrist’s miracles in the coming Tribulation (Rev. 13:2). Jesus, John, and Paul agree that powerful, supernatural wonders will be performed by Satan’s followers which will deceive multitudes of people.                                      

God will be validating the message of His servants throughout the Tribulation period, as with the Two Witnesses, who have extraordinary powers, resembling those of Elijah and Moses (Rev. 11:5-6). God’s supernatural judgments will take place during the entire period. It is clear to all that these are miracles of God and not some bad set of circumstances (e.g. Rev. 16:9, 11, 21). The outpouring of supernatural signs, miracles and wonders will be so abundant that it is unlikely that any atheists or agnostics remain on the earth. The issue will not be “is there a God?”, but rather will I follow Christ or follow the Antichrist. The outpouring of the supernatural marks these days as unique in human history.

  • Great Persecution of National Israel.  Jesus warned the people of Israel that when the “abomination of desolation” is set up in the Temple’s holy place, they are to quickly get out of Jerusalem and Israel (24:15-21). It is then that the Antichrist will cease being their protector, but will become their persecutor. At that same moment, Satan will be forcibly removed from heaven (Rev. 12:7-13) and will be confined to the earth where he will with great wrath begin trying to destroy Israel. As Jesus spoke about the attempt to destroy Israel, He most likely had Zechariah 12:1-9 and 14:12-15 in mind which brings the second half of the Tribulation to a climax. The world has always been plagued with antisemitism, but nothing to this degree.

  • Israel Enters the New Covenant.  The main reason for the Tribulation is to save the people of Israel. And they shall be saved, not because they deserve it but because God had made an unconditional covenant with them. He committed Himself to saving Israel. As the Tribulation comes to an end, the “elect” will be gathered from all over the earth to Israel. There is a rich Old Testament background to 24:31. Israel is the “elect” and God brings these redeemed Israelites back to the Land (e.g. Deut. 30:2-10; Jer. 31:10-12, 31-40). God will fulfill His goal of saving Israel. The Apostle Paul plainly declares that “all Israel shall be saved, just as it is written, ‘the Deliverer will come from Zion, He will remove ungodliness from Jacob. And this is my covenant with them when I take away their sins…the gifts and calling of God are irrevocable’” (Rom 11:25-27). Finally, two millennia after Jesus died on the Cross, Israel will look on the One who they pierced and will come to Him in faith and receive God’s great salvation (Zech. 12:10-14), fulfilling the Tribulation’s purpose. 

  • The Second Coming of Christ to the Earth – Matthew 24:25-31

  • Jesus’ Return in Power and Glory. The Second Coming of Jesus Christ to the earth is very different from His first coming. His first coming was quiet, without any obvious displays of power or evidence of glory. Isaiah spoke of His first coming as one who was despised, unattractive, not esteemed, without status and “like one from whom men hide their face” (Isa. 53:2-3). Aside from the experience of three disciples on the Mount of Transfiguration, the glory of Jesus was not seen by man. But the Second Coming will be just the opposite. Jesus said that when He comes back, there will be no doubting it, as He will come in power and great glory (24:25-27, 30). Even the worst theologians on the planet will fully understand that Jesus Messiah has come back, and this time with overwhelming displays of glory and evidence of power. 

  • The “Sign” of the Son of Man. Just before and in connection with Jesus’ Second Coming, there will be a sign in the heavens. It will unmistakably point to His return and it will be seen everywhere in the world (24:30). Even the hardened unbeliever will understand what the sign means: that Jesus is now returning. They mourn because they know that their day is over. They have been weighed on God’s scale and have been found wanting. Jesus does not specifically state what the “sign” will look like. It could well be that the sign is the appearance of the “shekinah,” the glory that declares the presence of God. The “shekinah” was over the Tabernacle that Moses built, and reminded Israel that God was with them. It is very possible that the “star of Bethlehem” was an appearance of the “shekinah.” And it is possible that the glory of God is something which even the basest of men recognize. In any case, man’s day is over, and it will then be time to finally establish the long-awaited messianic kingdom. Jesus returns as King of kings and Lord of lords. What a day that will be, and we believers in Jesus will be there and part of this grand event.             Church Age                                       

FINAL THOUGHTS. In answer to the disciples’ questions, Jesus gave a brief overview of end time events, drawing on truths found in the Old Testament. His discourse is a reminder that God is fully in control of what is happening on planet earth. His plans are not thwarted and they will not be delayed by evil men or by the Evil One. He will judge the wicked and He will save multitudes of Jews and gentiles.

But Jesus’ discourse was far from completed. He was very interested that His followers take these truths of future events and allow them to adjust the way they think and live in the present. He does this by giving six intriguing parables, some of which are hotly debated as to their meaning. They are an exhortation to always be ready for His appearing, and not to become distracted by events or persons in this world. These six parables will be the focus of our final study in Christ’ “Olivet Discourse.” 

Friday, March 1, 2024



When Jesus declared that the Jerusalem Temple would be destroyed, His disciples naturally wanted to know the details. The Lord Jesus and four of the disciples sat down on the Mount of Olives, overlooking Jerusalem, and Jesus answered their questions. The disciples’ questions were about Temple destruction and Jesus’ Second Coming. The questions related to the people and nation of Israel. The disciples did not inquire about gentiles or the church, and in His answers, Jesus did not talk about them either.

In the first study, it was suggested that there are three interpretive matters that must be kept in mind when studying this Olivet Discourse. (1) The questions and answers found in this discourse are concerning Israel, not the church and not gentiles. (2) The word “you” which Jesus used many times always refers to Israel; Israel as represented by one group or another within Israel. (3) The events and judgments of the Tribulation are unique in their intensity, and therefore, they must not be interpreted as they occur in today’s world. With these in mind, we will approach Jesus’ teaching.

There are really three distinct parts to the Tribulation: (1) the first half of the Tribulation; (2) the mid-point of the Tribulation; and (3) the second half of the Tribulation. Our study will look at these three divisions of the Tribulation.  

  • The First Half of the Tribulation – Matthew 24:4-8

  • Daniel’s Prophecy of the 70 Weeks. This O.T. prophecy (Dan. 9:24-27) is the foundation on which much N.T. prophetic truth is based. In Daniel 9, the 7 final years are neatly divided into two periods of 3½ years each, but that the second 3½ years will be much worse. Jesus follows this pattern in His prophetic discourse, even calling the second half “the tribulation, the great one.”   

  • The “Birth Pains.”  As Jesus began describing the judgments of the Tribulation, He referred to them as “birth pains” (Matt. 24:8).  This is a concept that is found in several of the O.T. prophets, such as Isaiah 13:8 and Jeremiah 30:7-9. “Birth pains” alert the mother-to-be that the baby’s birth is coming soon. The judgments of the Tribulation (the “birth pains”) reveal that the “birthing” of the messianic age is coming soon. There are two realities that characterize “birth pains.”  First, as the time for the birth gets closer, there is less time between the birth pains. They come faster and closer together. And second, the pains become more intense as the moment of birth approaches. Normally, the last birth pains are more severe than the first ones. This will be the case in the matter of Tribulation judgments. And this is what is seen when the Book of Revelation is analyzed. The final judgments of the Tribulation are far more “painful” than the first ones and they come closer and closer together. 

   As was discussed in the first study, the judgments of the Tribulation, such as earthquakes and pandemics, should not be understood as we experience these events now. The intensity of all these in the Tribulation will be far beyond what takes place today. Revelation 6:8 reveals that a minimum of 25% of the world’s population will die during the first half of the Tribulation. Based on the population of planet earth right now, that would be about 2 billion people who perish. There has never been anything like that in human history. 

  • False Teachers and Counterfeit Messiahs.  When difficult times come, people are fearful and desperate for answers, and this opens them up for all kinds of deceptions. The Tribulation certainly qualifies as a difficult time. At that time of chaos, people will be gripped by uncertainty and fear. The result will be that they are easily fooled by those claiming to have the answers. Many will claim to be an authoritative teacher sent from God or some messiah-figure. Jesus warned Israel of their vulnerability in that future day. And even today, when the times become ominous, coming in the form of economic uncertainty, political unrest or national conflicts, there are those who deceive, claiming to have the word from God and to be God’s representative. Jesus says “watch out for them.”

  • Outlined by Jesus, Detailed by JohnIn this discourse, Jesus spoke in general terms of wars, earthquakes, famines, plagues, and great signs from heaven. These will be experienced in the first half of the Tribulation. They are the beginning of the “birth pains.” The Apostle John, who was with Jesus that day on the Mount of Olives, would be the one chosen some 60 years later to give the details of these matters in Revelation; specifically, the “seal judgments” found in Revelation 6. 

  • The Second Half of the Tribulation – Matthew 24:9-14

  • Great Persecution. As one looks at biblical prophecy, it is essential to remember that the Tribulation period is primarily a battle for the souls of men. God wishes to save people, and the Evil One desires to destroy them if they will not come and worship him. Those who refuse to worship Satan and Antichrist will be the targets of satanic hatred throughout the seven years. Jesus said, “then they will deliver you to tribulation and will kill you…and at that time, many will fall away and will deliver up one another and hate one another (Matt. 24:9-10). Both Daniel and Revelation reveal that this persecution will be highly effective, resulting in the deaths of a multitude of God’s people.

  • Great Salvation. The Tribulation is a time of salvation. Jesus made the interesting point that many Jewish people will be persecuted because they now identify with Jesus (24:9). Israel has long been hated and persecuted but never because they identify with Jesus Messiah. Salvation is coming to Israel in the second half of the Tribulation and will climax at the Second Coming. Also, it is important to note that during the Tribulation period the gospel will go to every person on the planet (24:14). This has never happened before, and it will result in millions of people from Israel and the gentile nations coming to faith in Jesus (see Rev. 7:9-14). God will save a multitude, making this the greatest time of salvation in all of human history.

  • The Mid-Point of the Tribulation – Matthew 24:15

  • The Sign: The “Abomination of Desolation”. The disciples had wanted Jesus to give them a sign that would alert them to the coming of the end time events. In 24:15, Jesus declared that “the sign” would be the “abomination of desolation” which Daniel had spoken about. This term “abomination of desolation” speaks of the ultimate defilement of the Temple of God in Jerusalem. When this desecration of the Temple takes place, then Israel will know that those end time events and the coming of Jesus are about to occur. The Apostle Paul speaks of this defilement when the Antichrist will set himself up as “god” in the temple (2 Thes. 2:4). In His discourse, Jesus spoke of many events and wonders, but the “abomination of desolation” is the one unmistakable sign. Obviously, there must be a Jewish temple in Jerusalem for this to take place. Daniel, Paul, John, and Jesus all teach that once again there will be a temple on the “temple mount” in Jerusalem. Jews, in Israel today, are preparing for such a temple. This is not wishful thinking on their part, but they are a part of the fulfillment of biblical prophecy. And while we cannot say how Israel will get back the temple mount, they will. And it may be that the Antichrist will play a part in getting back that sacred piece of real estate.

  • Major Mid-Point Events. Jesus’ only point about the middle point of the Tribulation was the matter of the “abomination of desolation.” However, there are other important events that will take place at the mid-point, which will dramatically change the Tribulation for Israel from unpleasant to extremely bad. These will just be listed, since they are not part of Jesus’ prophetic discourse.

  • Satan is removed from heaven and confined to the earth (Rev. 12). This event will fuel the fire of Satan’s hatred for Israel and all those who follow Jesus.

  • Jewish temple worship will end. It is not known how long the Jews will have had their worship in the new temple, but it will end at the mid-point.

  • The end of all religions. The “great harlot” religious system (Rev. 17) and all religions will end. There will be just one worship system allowed; that is the worship of Satan and Antichrist. (Rev. 13).

  • Three times it is said that the Antichrist will be killed but will return to life (Rev. 13). This return to life is not in a resurrection body, but is such an amazing event that it will cause the world to worship him. 

IN CONCLUSION. Our next study will pick up where we have left off. Jesus was quite concerned that His followers would take this truth and let it impact their lives right now. He wanted them to always be alert and prepared for His coming. He knew that we can grow apathetic and even weary. He does not want us to be caught off guard when He returns. Delay is not a denial of His return. As we live, we are to keep one eye heavenward. This is what pleases and honors the Lord Jesus. And this is what helps us keep a proper perspective in our lives today.