In biblical prophecy, Europe plays an important role in end time events. It is the geographic area where much of the old Roman Empire existed. It is out of the old Roman Empire that the dominant end-times person arises; the man commonly referred to as the “Antichrist.” Today Europe is powerful economically, politically, and militarily. And it is one significant place where the political pot of globalism and nationalism is boiling.
The Situation in Europe Today.
The European Union began about 30 years ago and today has 27 member states. Not all 27 are equal since some nations are far more robust economically as well as being more potent militarily. But all is not well in the EU. Today’s EU is being divided by the same issues that are dividing America: that of inflation, “green” policies, out-of-control immigration, “social justice” and the rise of Islamism. And, as in the USA, there are opposing viewpoints which allow little ground for compromise. The recent EU June elections saw significant gains from the “far right” and those who favor nationalism as opposed to the majority who favor globalism.
Among many, there is a growing sense that the EU is becoming “ungovernable.” It seems to get more chaotic as the days go by with the result that time and again the EU is forced to implement inadequate stop-gap measures to deal with issues and unhappy nations.
As the world heads towards 2025, Europe is in turmoil as the forces of nationalism are striking back against the forces of globalism. Nationalists want to retain the uniqueness of their nations with their own cultures, borders and known way of life. They are seeing their way of life disintegrate as globalist policies of open borders and socialistic agendas are put in place.
Globalists see nationalists as having no concern for others, and they firmly believe that the narrow interests of nations must be set aside in favor of trans-national institutions and laws. The globalist has a very simplistic view of the world in that they believe that a one-world government will unite everyone and solve the basic problems confronting the world. Nationalism seems to be growing in Europe and the battle with globalism is growing in intensity.
The Future Situation of Europe
It is not possible to say what the EU will look like in the immediate future. However, it can be said that eventually there will be a united European Union which will come into existence. This global powerhouse will be under the direct control of the malevolent end time figure commonly called the Antichrist. Globalism will win out. The victory of globalism will be very short-lived, but nevertheless it will come about.
After the June elections, one member said that “only a united Europe has a chance to survive in the future.” He is close to being correct, though it will not be as he imagines. And this brings us to the prophecies of Scripture.
The Biblical Setting.
The prophet Daniel revealed that the Antichrist (Daniel refers to him as the “little horn”) is identified when he makes a covenant agreement with Israel (Dan. 9:27). He then begins his quest for domination by defeating 3 nations of Europe (Dan. 7:24). The 3 nations are not specifically identified. This conquest would surely indicate that Europe is not happily living in unity at this time in the future. It will take the strength of this one man and his nation to subdue these 3 nations. These 3 nations are clearly independent nations, each with its own king (or ruler of some designation). How they are subdued is not said, but it is likely through military conquest, though economic pressure might be involved. After this “depriving of sovereignty” of these 3 nations, apparently 7 other European nations simply acquiesce to his great power (again, the nations are not specified). This will result in a 10-nation union, with the Antichrist coming from an 11th nation. The setting geographically for the defeat of the 3 nations is where the old Roman Empire existed which is fundamentally the region of Europe. This is seen in Daniel’s vision in chapter 7 where the “little horn” and all the other horns (nations and kings) emerge from the fourth empire, which is Rome.
The Antichrist’s nation is clearly quite powerful because of the covenant agreement with Israel (Dan. 9:27) is put together while the Antichrist is over just his own nation. When it comes to the initial stages of the Antichrist’s wars, the Bible does not reveal the specific reason why the Antichrist goes to war and defeats these 3 nations; whether it is over economic issues or nationalistic matters or military conflicts. But whatever the causes, when the proverbial dust settles, there is a union of 11 nations that are united primarily, or exclusively, in Europe. This powerful confederacy of 11 nations, which exists in the first half of the Tribulation, will give this “man of war” the ability to conquer.
The scriptural picture of the Antichrist is clearly that he is a man of war and one that cannot be defeated (note Dan. 11:36-37, 42-44; Rev. 13:4-7). Eventually, he will become the sovereign of the planet and will rule the entire world for a period of 42 months (Rev. 13:5). This will be during the second half of the Tribulation period. This situation of world domination will remain until he is brought to his end by the returning King Jesus (Rev. 19:19-21). But it all begins in Europe. And this should be a reason for periodically looking at what is happening there.
Some Final Thoughts
Down through human history, men have dreamed of becoming the ruler of the world, but without success. Satan offered that position to Jesus, but Jesus turned him down. But the day of that dream being fulfilled is coming as the Antichrist will be the first true globalist. In the meantime, preparations are underway for that to take place. Fortunately, the Scriptures are crystal clear on the ultimate end of things. Great will be that day when the Lord Jesus Christ comes in power and great glory, destroying the “great globalist” and establishing His righteous rule over all the nations of the earth.
Dividing humanity into nations was God’s plan. Globalism was not. The Tower of Babel revealed early on that globalism only breeds evil and degeneracy among men. And in the end, an even greater evil and degeneracy will be experienced by mankind in the end times globalism of the Antichrist, the greatest globalist of all. Nations were God’s idea, and even in the kingdom of Jesus Messiah (the millennial kingdom), there will be nations (note, for example Zech. 14:16-19 and Psalm 2). And once that 1,000-year period of Jesus Messiah’s rule is over, the eternal kingdom comes to the new earth. And even in the eternal kingdom of God, there will be kings and nations (Rev. 21:24-26).
As we live in an increasingly chaotic world and as we see the “elites” of the world push globalism, we need to remember that the Scriptures foretold this. The Lord God is not caught off guard by this. We must never feel hopeless, since we have inside knowledge about the coming of Jesus and His kingdom and the end of globalism. And, since we have been placed on earth for such a time as this, let us actively, faithfully serve our Savior. Again, “it will be worth it all when we see Jesus.”